Finals Sunday 2021

The 2021 Club Finals were played on the weekend of the 25th and 26th of September 2021.  There was a good attendance for each of the 5 sessions helped by the skill of the bowling and the beautiful late September sunshine.  There were 5 session as Anto Grey  made it through to 5 of the six finals that he had entered.  I wonder was this a club record?

Below are a number of photographs taken on the Sunday afternoon as well as photos of both the winners and runners-up receiving their trophies and prizes.


The following photos are of the presentations to the winners and runners up. The presentations were made by our President Rita assisted by our Secretary Paul. In the background handing the prizes to Rita and Paul are Hazel Higgins and Hazel Alexander.

The prizes were presented in the following sequence with the runner up of each competition presented with their prize immediately before the the winner.

Two Bowl PairsRunner UpMargaret Woods & Liam Eglington
 WinnerAnto Gray & Carmel O’Brien
Mixed PairsRunner UpPaul Crowe & Áine Salley
 WinnerPaul Kingston & Sandra Eglington
Ladies’ Handicapped SinglesRunner UpRita Saunders
 WinnerSandra Eglington
Men’s Handicapped SinglesRunner UpAnto Gray
 WinnerPaul Kingston
Two Bowl SinglesRunner UpAnto Grey
 WinnerAlan Drennan
Men’s handicap PairsRunner UpAnto Gray & Sean Murray
 WinnerMichael Cusack & Liam Eglington
Ladies’ Handicapped PairsRunner UpMay O’Sullivan & Hilda Hennessy
 WinnerHazel Higgins & Mary Keogh
Ladies Junior SinglesRunner UpSandra Eglington
 WinnerDi Weldon
Men’s Junior SinglesRunner UpJonathan Morton
 WinnerTom Byrne
Ladies ChampionshipRunner UpJacquie Connolly
 WinnerRita Saunders  
Men’s ChampionshipRunner UpNigel Teggin
 WinnerAnto Grey
Two Bowl Pairs Runners Up
Two Bowls Pairs Winners
Mixed Pairs Runners Up
Mixed Pairs Winners
Ladies Handicap Runners Up
Ladies Handicap Winner
Men’s Handicap Winner & Runner Up
Two Bowls Singles Runner up
Two Bowls Singles Winner
Men’s Handicap Pairs Runner up (Sean Murray not in picture).
Men’s handicap Pairs Winners
Ladies Handicap Pairs runners up – Missing from Photo Hilda Hennessy
Ladies handicap Pairs Winners
Ladies Junior Singles Runner Up
Ladies Junior Singles Winner
Men’s Junior Singles Runner Up
Men’s junior Singles Winner
Ladies Championship Runner Up
Ladies Championship Winner
Men’s Championship Runner Up
Men’s Championship Winner